I research about how to improve Software Engineering using empirical methods and Evidence-Based Software Engineering. This page provides possible research topics (for BS, MS, or PhD level). Students interested in working with me might be able to think possible solutions to one of these problems. English skills is required for any of them (reading at least).
Current research investigations
- Software Product Lines
- Software Testing Automation
- Recovering Software Architectures
- Software Architecture for Autonomous Service Robotics Systems
- Empirical methods
- Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)
- Human Factors in Computing Systems
- Human-Computer Interaction
Possible projects
Developing a Software Architecture for Autonomous Service Robotics Systems
Questions: What are the main components necessary to compose an autonomous robotic systems? How to improve the existing architectures
Skills: natural language processing, web programming (e.g., JSON, Java, etc)
Related work: [Geovani], [Jonas], [Deividson].Metaverso Questions: TBD Skills: Related work: [Alana], [Felipe], [Joao_Miguel], [Marco]
IHM for Autonomous Service [Nara], [Smart Camaro]
Inteligent city and IoT Smart Traffic Light
Mining Software Repositories of COVID-19
Questions: What are the main programming language of the projects? How many projects are available?
Skills: script programming (e.g., Python, pyDriller, etc)
Related Work: MSR’18System to support selective process
Questions: What are the mandatory features? How to improve the system? How to develop test automation?
Skills: web programming (e.g., NextJS, Vercel, Java Script, etc)
Related work: Bem Hur project, Leticia Soares project, Gabriel Dias project.Grey Literature in Software Engineering
Questions: How to identify the practitioner point-of-view? Where to find the software industry literature?
Skills: reading skills
Related work: PreprintMental Health of Software Engineers
Questions: How anxiety, depression, and stress impact in the software quality?
Skills: reading skills, script programming (e.g., Python, etc)
Related work: Paper
Research groups
- Sistemas de Hardware e Software
- Grupo de Inovação e Pesquisa em Automação e Robótica - GIPAR
- Grupo de Inovação e Pesquisa em Compatibilidade Eletromagnética e Qualidade de Energia - GIPCEM
- Manejo Integrado de Bacias Hidrográficas
- Jose Alberto Diaz Amado (IFBA, Brazil)
- Fernando Kenji (IFAL, Brazil)
- Igor Wiese (UTFPR, Brazil)
- Ivan Machado (UFBA, Brazil)
- Eduardo Almeida (UFBA, Brazil)
- Christina Chavez (UFBA, Brazil)